Creating a workplace environment where employeescan workin a healthy and livelymanner

J:COM values all people and promotes the creation of a workplace where everyone can work with enthusiasm, in order to create a society where everyone can continue to shine in their own way.
By respecting various individualities and values and demonstrating the abilities of all people, regardless of generation, gender, nationality, etc., we will create new value and develop our customers and local communities. We will continue to carve out a sustainable future.

Let's achieve gender equality
Job satisfaction and economic growth
End inequality between people and countries

Health management

Health management declaration

Aiming to be a company where people can work actively and in good health

J:COM Group's management policy is to create a corporate culture of mutual respect and a work environment where each person can demonstrate their abilities, and to realize the material and spiritual happiness of employees and their families.

The health of each and every employee is an essential element in realizing our mission.

We hereby declare that we will contribute to the realization of a prosperous community and society by promoting "health promotion" in which the company, employees, and families are united and "creating a working environment" that is healthy and energetic both physically and mentally. increase.

Health management issues and initiatives

Health issues

Based on the management policy of ``the well-being of employees and their families'' and the behavioral guidelines of ``valuing all people,'' J:COM Group strives to provide employees with a comfortable working environment and fully utilize their abilities in accordance with their health issues. We are working to create a framework for a workplace environment in which employees can achieve their goals.
In order to maximize the effectiveness of this initiative, we are collaborating with professionals such as industrial physicians and health insurance unions. We also discuss and share health management initiatives, including occupational safety and health, with employee representatives at the Health Committee.

Work style reform

Since 2014, we have been actively focusing on creating systems that support the optimization of working hours and the balance between childcare, nursing care, injury and illness, and work. We are creating an environment that supports diverse work styles and encouraging employees to fully demonstrate their abilities.
Last year, we held a seminar on health issues specific to women, with approximately 100 employees participating. The average monthly overtime hours in FY2012 was 22.4 hours (down 0.3% from the previous year), and the rate of paid leave taken was 80.1% (an increase of 5.1 points from the previous year).

Health management system

Under the director in charge of the corporate department, we have formed a team within the Human Resources Division that is in charge of health management for the entire Group company, and are developing various measures such as improving employee health, improving health literacy, and responding to mental health.

External Evaluation (Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Corporation)

We have been certified as a ``2023 Health and Productivity Management Organization'' jointly selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
This is the fifth consecutive year since 2019 that the J:COM Group has been certified. In order to create a workplace environment where each employee can work actively and with good mental and physical well-being, we promote the maintenance and promotion of the health of employees and their families through a variety of measures. Masu.

Health-related measures

Effects and effects of health measures

Health care

With regard to health checkups, we aim to achieve a 100% attendance rate, and are promoting reservations for regular health checkups for those under 35 years of age and mandatory comprehensive health checkups for those over 35 years of age. We are working to maintain a 100% consultation rate.

Health Promotion

We provide opportunities to learn and practice health in a fun way, and support employees' self-directed efforts to improve their health. Through these efforts, employees' awareness of their efforts to exercise has improved, and the exercise habit scores for both men and women calculated by the company have increased since fiscal 2018.

Stress check

We started stress checks in fiscal 2009, and after the revision of the law in fiscal 2016, we strengthened organizational improvements through group analysis. Since fiscal 2020, we have been working on primary prevention of self-care, with a stress check acceptance rate of 99%. In addition, we are continuously implementing specific measures such as training for managers and employees.

Collaboration health

Active cooperation with the Consumer Union Health Association. In fiscal 2009, we launched an online quit smoking program for employees who wish to quit smoking. You can receive a doctor's Telemedicine free of charge without visiting a medical institution directly.

Achievements so far

Changes in behavioral habits

Both the ratio of exercise habits and the ratio of people getting enough sleep have improved.

Employee questionnaire

Every year, we conduct a health questionnaire for all employees. We also measure employee health awareness from the response rate.
This time, the response rate exceeded 99%, and we are using the results of this survey to measure and verify daily health awareness, behavior, and needs.

Health management monitoring indicators

Reflection in measures

The analysis results obtained are made available to all employees through the internal portal and in-house newsletters, and are used to review individual measures and formulate new measures.

Health management monitoring indicators

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Promoting diversity, equity and inclusion

Based on our corporate philosophy of ``valuing all people,'' the J:COM Group respects diverse personalities and values, including gender, age, nationality, experience, skills, and lifestyles, and values that a diverse range of human resources possess. We aim to create an environment where you can fully demonstrate your abilities. We are proactive in promoting diversity, believing that by having diverse human resources demonstrate their abilities, we can quickly and flexibly respond to a wide range of customer needs and changes in the environment, realizing corporate growth and the happiness of individual employees. We are working on this.

Promotion of work-life balance

Based on our management policy of “employee and family happiness” and our action guideline of “valuing everyone”, we will create a comfortable working environment for all employees and work to ensure that all employees can fully demonstrate their abilities. We are working to promote life balance.

Promotion of active participation by women

We are working to promote the active participation of female employees who face challenges in balancing life events such as marriage, childbirth, and childcare with their careers.

Employment and active participation of persons with disabilities

J:COM Heart Co., Ltd. was established in June 2015 with the concept of "creating a workplace where everyone can thrive." We are actively working to promote the employment and active participation of people with disabilities.

Promotion of active participation by seniors

We will create opportunities for all applicants who meet certain requirements to continue to be active until the age of 65. In addition, before reaching retirement age, we are working to support the realization of a rich environment for both public and private life, such as providing opportunities and information to think about life plans for retirement.

Promote active participation of global human resources

In the rapidly changing broadcasting and telecommunications market, we are working to recruit and train foreign nationals and international students in order to incorporate diverse values and perspectives and increase our corporate value.

Promoting understanding of LGBTQ

Aiming to create an environment where everyone can work with peace of mind, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, we are promoting understanding of LGBTQ issues through training and information dissemination, establishing a consultation desk, establishing a same-sex partnership system, etc. We are working to create a workplace where employees can demonstrate their full potential.
In recognition of these efforts, we received the Bronze Award in the PRIDE Index 2023.

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