Activities as a Member of the SDG Media Compact

The United Nations established the SDG Media Compact in September 2018 to encourage media and entertainment companies around the world to harness their resources and creative talents to achieve the SDGs.

J:COM agrees with this idea and became a member in December 2020, and as a media company, we will communicate the necessity of this and our initiatives both internally and externally, and call for increased awareness of the SDGs and participation in specific initiatives. I am.

Dissemination of activities aimed at achieving the SDGs

As a member of the SDG Media Compact, we aim to widely communicate the SDGs and disseminate information about J:COM J:COM and the activities it conducts with local governments and other organizations to achieve the SDGs.

Regional connections through food

(J:COM CSR Activities | Local Connections Through FoodPlaying time: 0:30)


(J:COM CSR Activities | Telemedicine EditionPlaying time: 0:30)

J:COM 's carbon neutral efforts

(J:COM CSR Activities | Carbon Neutral EditionPlaying time: 0:30)

Activities to protect the clean sea with children

(J:COM CSR Activities | Activities to protect clean oceansPlaying time: 0:30)

Program broadcasting on community channels

Taking advantage of the strengths of cable television, which is rooted in the region, we are broadcasting SDGs-themed activities that are being worked on in the region.

J:COM Channel

  • *Some areas are not broadcast.

SDGs week for university students

Earthquake archive "Voice of storyteller connecting to the future"

J: Tele

"Insects are friends by Yoko Oginome"

"Documentary ~Tsunagu~"

Actions for the environment that each person can take
(ACT NOW 10)

From the way we move to the power we use to the food we eat, we can make a difference. Start with these 10 actions from the United Nations to tackle the climate crisis.

Illustrated by Niccolo Canova

save electricity at home

Most of the electricity and heat we use comes from coal, oil and gas. Reduce energy consumption by cutting back on heating and cooling, replacing with LED bulbs and energy-saving appliances, washing clothes in cold water, and hanging to dry without using the dryer.

Walk, bike or use public transportation

Roads around the world are flooded with cars, most of which are burning diesel or gasoline. Walking or biking instead of driving reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps improve health and fitness. Consider using trains or buses when traveling long distances. Also, carpool as much as possible.

eat more vegetables

Increasing your intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and reducing meat and dairy can significantly reduce your environmental impact. In general, plant-based food production produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions and requires less energy, land and water.

Consider long-distance transportation

Airplanes burn large amounts of fossil fuels and emit significant amounts of greenhouse gases. So reducing air travel is one of the quickest ways to reduce our environmental impact. Meet online, take trains, and avoid long-distance travel whenever possible.

reduce food waste

Wasted food also wastes the resources and energy used to produce, process, pack and transport food. And when food spoils in landfills, it releases methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Use up all the food you buy and compost all leftovers.

reduce, reuse, repair, recycle

The electronics, clothing, and more we buy emit carbon at each point in their production, from raw material extraction to product manufacturing and transportation to market. Buy less, buy second-hand, fix what you can, recycle and save our planet's climate.

change home energy sources

Check with your utility company if your home is powered by oil, coal, or gas. If possible, also see if you can switch to renewable energy sources such as wind or solar. Alternatively, install solar panels on your roof to power your home.

Switch to an electric car

If you are planning to buy a car, consider an electric car. There are more and more cheaper models on the market. Even though they run on electricity made from fossil fuels, electric cars help reduce air pollution more than petrol and diesel cars, and they emit significantly less greenhouse gases.

Choose eco-friendly products

Everything we buy affects the planet. You have the power to choose what products and services you support. To reduce their impact on the environment, they buy local and seasonal foods, use resources responsibly, and focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste. Choose your company's product.

speak up

Raise your voice and get others to join in the action. Speaking up is one of the quickest and most effective ways to bring about change. Talk to your neighbors, colleagues, friends and family. Let management know you support bold change. Call on local and global leaders to act now.

Action: UN/Act Now

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