Broadcast program editing standards, program deliberation committee minutes

Broadcast program editing standards

1. We protect freedom of speech and expression, follow the spirit of democracy, respect basic human rights and public opinion, respect law and order, and conduct broadcasting that lives up to the trust of society.
In addition, we take seriously the social responsibility of broadcasting and the fact that radio waves are a common property of the people, and edit broadcast programs.
In addition, our broadcasting program editing standards shall be announced by the following method.

  1. Broadcasts made by us
  2. Storage at our office
  3. Our homepage


2. We edit broadcast programs according to the following standards.

  1. (1) Human rights, character and honor

    1. (a) Do not treat human life in a disrespectful manner.
    2. B. We do not make broadcasts that damage the reputation or credibility of individuals or groups.
  1. (2) Religion

    Religious broadcasts shall respect and treat freedom of religion fairly.

  1. (3) Politics

    Political issues should be dealt with fairly by clarifying issues from as many perspectives as possible.

  1. (4) Family and Society

    1. (a) Respect family life and do not positively deal with ideas that destroy it.
    2. B. Violence shall not be endorsed under any circumstances.
  1. (5) Crime

    When it comes to crimes, we respect the law, and we do not portray the perpetrators attractively or endorse criminal behavior.

  1. (6) Sexual expressions

    Be careful not to confuse or disgust viewers with sexual matters.

  1. (7) Expression

    1. (a) Avoid vulgar language as much as possible, and do not use obscene words or actions.
    2. (b) Do not use expressions that cause fear, anxiety, or discomfort in people.
    3. (c) With regard to images that flicker minutely or video techniques that change rapidly, due consideration should be given to the physical effects of viewers, especially children and adolescents.
    4. D. Please note that depending on the content of the broadcast, it may lead to unexpected slander, etc. against the performers on SNS, etc. Also, consideration will be given to the mental health of the performers.
  1. (8) Advertising

    Advertisements shall use easy-to-understand and appropriate expressions, and shall not use expressions that may mislead viewers.

  1. (9) TV shopping programs

    In addition to complying with relevant laws and regulations, display information based on facts in a simple and clear manner, and avoid misleading expressions so as not to impair the interests of viewers.

  1. (10) Youth Protection

    We strive to protect young people in accordance with the broadcasting standards of the Japan Satellite Broadcasting Association.
    Furthermore, in addition to giving due consideration to the viewing of children and adolescents according to the time of day, if it is determined that consideration for children by adolescents and parents is necessary, advance notice at the beginning of the program or advance by an effective method display.

Minutes of the Program Deliberation Committee

You can see the Minutes of InteracTV Co., Ltd. 's Program Deliberation Committee below.

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