Unlimited calls option

Domestic call charges within 5 minutes or 60 minutes per call
It is a service that is always free.
terminal or
Simultaneously with SIM
*The 31-day free unlimited Unlimited calls service can be applied only once per line.
in use
Add to terminal
Unlimited calls
*The 31-day free unlimited Unlimited calls can be applied only once per line.
* "D Plan SIM Card (docomo line)" subscribers cannot apply.
Selectable "Unlimited calls" option
Unlimited calls (5 minutes/time)
For those who frequently make short calls
Monthly usage fee
500 yen /line
(550 yen including tax)
Unlimited calls (60 minutes/time)
For people with long calls
Monthly usage fee
1,500 yen /line
(1,650 yen including tax)
If the call time is exceeded, a call charge of 20 yen (22 yen including tax) will be charged every 30 seconds.
Unlimited calls pack
Unlimited calls and data capacity
Combine this amount!
Easy ♪ pack
1,480 yen per month
(1,628 yen including tax)
Data capacity 5GB*
Unlimited calls (5 minutes / time)
Perfect ♪ pack
1,980 yen per month
(2,178 yen including tax)
Data capacity 10GB*
Unlimited calls (5 minutes / time)
When applying the data Date Mori, 1GB becomes 5GB, and 5GB becomes 10GB. Click here for the applicable conditions.
It is also possible to combine Unlimited calls with other data capacities.
terminal or
Simultaneously with SIM
*The 31-day free unlimited Unlimited calls service can be applied only once per line.
in use
Add to terminal
Unlimited calls
*The 31-day free unlimited Unlimited calls can be applied only once per line.
* "D Plan SIM Card (docomo line)" subscribers cannot apply.
[" Unlimited calls (5 minutes/time)" and "Unlimited calls (60 minutes/time)"]
- Monthly usage fees are free for 31 days from the service start date (31 days from the line opening date if applied at the same time as a new J:COM MOBILE subscription). If you resubscribe to each service on the same line, a monthly fee will be charged from the month the service starts.
- After the free period ends, it will automatically continue at the regular price.
- Some services, such as telegram, navi dial, directory assistance (104), and SMS, are not covered by free calls.
- If you exceed the call time for one call, you will be charged a call charge of 20 yen (22 yen (tax included)) for every 30 seconds.
- Only subscribers to "J:COM MOBILE A Plan (Voice + Data)" can apply (not applicable to D Plan subscribers).
There are some services that are not covered by Unlimited calls (free calls).
- international roaming
- International calls (outgoing calls overseas)
- Overseas incoming/outgoing calls, telegrams, directory assistance (104)
- Phone numbers set by other companies starting with 0570, 0180-99, 0067, etc.
- Government 1XY Service (188)
- SMS (Domestic/International)
- Calls to satellite phones/satellite maritime phones
In addition, numbers used to connect when using telephone services provided by companies other than our company are also not covered.
Click here for a list of non-eligible phone numbers- The company names and product names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.
[About the amount including tax]
- Consumption tax differences may occur due to changes in the consumption tax rounding method under the invoice system.
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- Unlimited calls option