The newest just makes sense: J:COM

security policy

Information Security Policy (ISMS)

JCOM Inc. and its group companies*1 (hereinafter referred to as "our group") utilize the information assets unique to our group in conducting our corporate activities, such as the cable platform business and the media entertainment business, and also hold a large amount of information assets in trust for us from our customers. We recognize that taking measures to protect the safety of these information assets is our social mission as a corporation and an important management issue that affects our survival as a corporation.
By establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving the ISMS (Information Security Management System), we aim to properly protect and manage information assets that are important to our business, and to become a company that gains the trust and satisfaction of our customers through our group business.

  • 1 Corporation, J:COM Sapporo, J:COM Saitama & East Japan, Tsuchiura Cable Television Corporation, J:COM Chiba, J:COM Tokyo, J:COM Shonan & Kanagawa, J:COM West, Cable Net Shimonoseki, J:COM Kyushu, Oita Cable Telecom Co.,Ltd. Corporation, YOKOHAMA CABLE VISION Inc., Channel Ginga Corporation, Jupiter Golf Network, Golf Network Co. Plus Corporation, J-Sports Corporation, Asmik Ace Corporation, J:COM Heart Co., Ltd., ENI Corporation, IP Power Systems Corporation, Proulx Corporation, and Zakua Corporation, J:COM Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Co., Ltd.

Information Security Basic Policy

1. Definition of information security

Information security is defined as maintaining the "confidentiality", "integrity" and "availability" of information.

2. Responsibilities and authority related to ISMS

The Group defines and promotes roles and responsibilities related to management representatives and ISMS.
All employees of the Group are obliged to understand this basic policy and cooperate in the promotion of ISMS.

3. Initiatives for ISMS

The Group regards information security as one of its important management issues, reviews risk assessment (risk identification, analysis, evaluation, countermeasures, and understanding of residual risks), and affects the core business of the Group. We will strive to ensure business continuity through risk response and review.

4. Compliance

The Group will carry out its business in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and contractual obligations.
As a matter of course, we will comply with the company work rules and company rules (code of conduct).

5. Thorough Security Education/Training and Awareness Education

In order to improve the importance and awareness of information security, our group regularly provides security education/training and awareness education to all employees. Detectors of information security problems are obliged to promptly report from the event (abnormal) stage including the possibility of occurrence.

6. Compliance Obligations and Penalties

Employees of the Group act in accordance with ISMS-related documents in order to maintain this information security policy. It clearly states that violations will be subject to penalties.

7. Business Continuity Management

We will strive to ensure business continuity even against threats such as serious accidents including disasters.

Information security purposes

The Group's ISMS protects the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information by applying a risk management process, and operates business activities based on "trust" that risks are appropriately managed. increase.

Information security goals

In order to achieve information security policies and objectives, we will set goals for maintaining and improving the effectiveness of management measures and raising awareness and awareness of information security, and realize an effective ISMS.

Established on February 1, 2022
Revised on July 1, 2024

JCOM Corporation
President, Representative Director Yoichi Iwaki


As part of J:COM strengthening of security measures, JCOM Inc., J:COM Sapporo Inc., J:COM Saitama & East Japan Inc., Tsuchiura Cable Television Co., Ltd., J:COM Chiba Inc., J:COM Tokyo Inc., J:COM Shonan & Kanagawa Inc., J:COM West Inc., Cable Net Shimonoseki Inc., Oita Cable Telecom Co.,Ltd. Inc., Oita Cable Telecom Co., Ltd., and YOKOHAMA CABLE VISION Inc. have obtained certification for the international information security management system (ISMS) standard "ISO/IEC 27001:2013 / JIS Q 27001:2014" on May 26, 2022.

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