Options/Other services

Optional service

Unlimited calls option


With this service, domestic calls of up to 5 minutes or 60 minutes are free of charge as many times as you like.

About the Unlimited calls option
Click here for details

Block nuisance calls and messages


300 yen per month (330 yen including tax)

It displays a warning about nuisance calls and messages (SMS) such as bank transfer scams and malicious sales tactics, so you can use your smartphone with peace of mind.

Click here for more information about blocking nuisance calls and messages

Secure terminal Guarantee 60


Google Pixel 8a: 800 yen per month (880 yen including tax)
Other Android devices : 600 yen per month (660 yen including tax)

In the unlikely event of a malfunction, breakage, water leakage, or other problems, we will send you a replacement unit with just one phone call.
Additionally, if you lose your device, you can receive a variety of remote support from J:COM.

  • You must subscribe to this plan when purchasing a J:COM MOBILE device.
  • The devices covered and the warranty contents differ from those of Secure Device Warranty 48.

★ Applicable to AQUOS sense9, AQUOS sense8, Galaxy A23 5G, BASIO active2, BASIO active

About Secure Device Warranty 60
Click here for details

Secure Terminal Guarantee 48


500 yen per month (550 yen including tax)

In the unlikely event of a malfunction, breakage, water leakage, or other problems, we will send you a replacement unit with just one phone call.
Additionally, if you lose your device, you can receive a variety of remote support from J:COM.

  • We are now closed to new applications.
  • The devices covered and the warranty contents differ from those of the Secure Device Warranty 60.

About Secure Terminal Guarantee 48
Click here for details

AppleCare+ for iPhone


Protect your iPhone.
AppleCare+ for iPhone extends your warranty and technical support indefinitely from the date of your iPhone purchase. In addition, we offer services such as repairs for damage caused by negligence or accidents, with a service charge of 3,400 yen (3,740 yen including tax) for screen damage, and 11,800 yen (12,980 yen including tax) for other damage, up to twice. You can receive up to

About AppleCare+ for iPhone
Click here for details

Device Warranty for iPhone


600 yen per month (660 yen including tax)

In the unlikely event of a malfunction, breakage, water leakage, or other problems, we will send you a replacement unit with just one phone call.
Additionally, if you lose your device, you can receive a variety of remote support from J:COM.

per terminal

About Device Warranty for iPhone
Click here for details

Anshin Filter for J:COM


A filtering service for smartphones that protects children from dangerous sites and apps. You can use it for free per month.

Click here for more information about Anshin Filter for J:COM

Watch videos without data communication count


Even when you're out and about and don't have Wi-Fi, you can watch videos via the "J:COM STREAM" app and enjoy them with zero data consumption.

Click here for details on watching videos without data communication count

call options

Service name Pricing
Standard option
(no application required)

Call charges and communication charges
It will be charged separately.

SMS *1 No monthly charge
Voicemail *2 free
Caller ID display service *3 free
Caller ID request service *4 free
Call forwarding service *5 free
spam sms block free
Charged option
(Application required)
Call waiting service *6 200 yen (220 yen including tax)/month
Answering Service EX *7 300 yen (330 yen including tax)/month
Nuisance call rejection service *8 100 yen (110 yen including tax)/month


Option addition/change

data option

Service name Pricing
additional data 500MB: 200 yen (220 yen including tax)
1GB: 300 yen (330 yen including tax)

<For Plan A> The expiration date is 90 days including the date of purchase.

There is a limit to the amount of data you can have (100GB). If you reach the limit, you will not be able to purchase additional data.

“J:COM Music” app
No data traffic count *9
mail address SMS (Gmail available)

We do not provide an email address as a carrier.

Anshin Filter for J:COM *10 free
Tethering (Device with tethering function is required.) free

If your device has a tethering function.

Gigazo Wi-Fi Free (J:COM MOBILE benefit)

*Membership registration is required. Click here for details


Accessories can be ordered online when purchasing a smartphone for the first time.

Additional purchase of accessories

You can purchase additional items later.

If you wish to purchase additional items at a later date, you will need to apply by phone. Also, the price may differ from the price of the initial purchase.

Learn more about purchasing additional accessories

J:COM MOBILE terminal
Click here for details


Procedures such as contracting and changing models are cumbersome.

You can easily apply online. Visiting support is also available upon request.

You can apply for J:COM MOBILE online. You can complete the process from the comfort of your own home, so there is no need to go to a store and wait for a long time.

Once you receive your smartphone, you can receive free support if you wish. We will provide detailed instructions on how to use your smartphone, as well as the initial settings.

About initial setup support

  • Those applying for "J:COM MOBILE D Plan SIM Card" are not eligible.
I want to transfer data such as my phone book to a new smartphone, what should I do?

Solve difficult settings at home. Leave the initial settings of your smartphone to Enkaku Support!

J:COM MOBILE provides free support that provides detailed instructions on initial settings, migration of phonebook data, instructions on how to use the service, etc. for those who wish to do so.

Click here for details

Can I continue to use the email address I'm currently using on my J:COM MOBILE smartphone?

If you are using a free email service such as Gmail, you can continue to use it by logging in or setting up a new device.

Please note that if you are using an email address (domain) issued by some telecommunications companies, you will not be able to use it.

  • There are some services that allow you to continue using carrier mail even after canceling your carrier. Please refer here for details.

J:COM MOBILE does not issue email addresses, so we recommend that you switch to a free email such as G-mail in advance.

Can I carry over unused data usage?

Unused data traffic will be automatically carried over to the next month.

*The remaining amount is valid until the end of the following month.

If the upper limit is exceeded, the speed will be limited to 1Mbps or 200kbps depending on the plan you subscribe to. In addition to the data usage of your contract plan, you can also carry over any additional data usage you purchase to the next month.

Please check here for more information, including expiration dates.

Can I continue to use LINE on my new device?

By completing the appropriate settings and procedures, you can continue to use the service on your new device.

Regarding account migration (handover) procedures, security is regularly strengthened, so please check the latest information on LINE's official blog before proceeding.
(*Please note that settings may be required before changing the model)

How to transfer your LINE account (as of July 2017)

  • For some models that support long text SMS, the SMS sending fee varies depending on the number of characters. For details, please refer to the "J:COM MOBILE Contract Terms and Conditions." Long text SMS may be received in parts depending on the recipient's model, or may not be sent depending on the recipient. SMS sending is limited to 200 messages per day.
  • For information on the number of recorded messages and the retention time, please visit the J:COM website.
  • In some cases, the number may not be displayed, such as when receiving a call from a blocked number.
  • If you are connected to guidance such as service startup/shutdown, a call charge will be incurred. The other party's number may be connected even during use.
  • au international calls and call forwarding with some carriers may not be available. Cannot be used simultaneously with "Answering Service EX." The "Full Call Forwarding Service" (090-4444-1428), which can be remotely operated from another phone, will end on Friday, May 13, 2022.
  • Call charges will occur even when the call is on hold, and are the responsibility of the caller. If you start both the "Call Waiting Service" and the "Number Notification Request Service" at the same time, the "Number Notification Request Service" will take priority when you receive a call from a blocked number. If you start both the "Call Waiting Service" and the "Nuisance Call Blocking Service" at the same time, the "Nuisance Call Blocking Service" will take priority.
  • If you play back messages, etc., a call charge will be incurred. "Answering Service EX" is a registered trademark of KDDI Corporation.
  • Some numbers cannot be registered.
  • Only applies when data communication is performed via each target app (some data usage may occur depending on the operation, such as searching).
    Requires subscription to "J:COM MOBILE A Plan" and J:COM designated services.
  • In accordance with the "Act on the Establishment of an Environment in which Young People Can Use the Internet Safely and with Peace of Mind," customers under the age of 18 who use "J:COM MOBILE A Plan ST" are required to set up a filtering service. "J:COM MOBILE A Plan SU" cannot be used by anyone under the age of 18.
  • This is an optional service available to those who have signed up for Plan A ST. If you have signed up for Plan D, the content and fees will differ.

[About Gigazo]

  • Available by contract with Wire & Wireless Co., Ltd.
  • Some services may not be available depending on the device.
  • There are limited spaces available within the facility. Also, it may not be available depending on the store or vehicle.
  • Separate usage registration required.

[Block nuisance calls and messages]

  • This service uses a database provided by Tobira Systems Co., Ltd. to determine whether the call or message to the target device is from a phone number that is likely to be a nuisance call or SMS.
  • To use this service, you will need an internet connection, a compatible device (Android 10.0 or higher, or iOS 15.0 or higher), J:COM personal ID, and the installation and initial setup of the MY J:COM app. Customers are responsible for communication charges for use.
  • The functions and screen images available may vary depending on the device. Some services may not be available depending on the connection environment, etc.
  • We do not guarantee that all nuisance calls will be correctly identified, or that the names of public facilities, companies, etc. will be displayed correctly.
  • If the caller number is not notified (such as "withheld caller number," "public phone," "notification impossible," etc.), we cannot provide a determination as to whether the call is a nuisance call.
  • Tobira Systems Co., Ltd. is a company that provides a list of nuisance phone numbers (numbers provided by the police, numbers registered as rejected by users, and Tobira Systems Co., Ltd.'s own research numbers) that is compiled based on information such as phone numbers provided by the police.
  • To use this service, you must subscribe to J:COM MOBILE A Plan ST/SU.

[About the amount including tax]

  • Consumption tax differences may occur due to changes in the consumption tax rounding method under the invoice system.