The newest just makes sense: J:COM

Commitment to Innovation

With the aim of providing new value and creating communities, we are promoting the use of cutting-edge technologies such as the metaverse (virtual space) and NFTs (non-fungible tokens) across the entire company. We also dispatch employees to venture capital firms in the United States to research and gather information on cutting-edge technologies and business models in the media and ICT fields developed by startups. Furthermore, we use viewing data and other usage data from the services we provide to provide services that enrich the daily lives of our customers.

Business Innovation

Utilizing cutting-edge technology for the Web3 era

Utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as the metaverse and NFTs (non-fungible tokens), we are working across the company to provide value to customers that is not bound by conventional concepts and to create new communities, utilizing J:COM 's unique ideas and knowledge.
In fiscal 2023, we participated in metaverse events such as "Virtual Halloween," providing new customer experiences, such as interacting with customers through 3D avatars featuring our service promotion character "Zakkuu," and distributing original NFTs as mementos.

Future Co-Creation Project

In fiscal 2017, we launched the "Future Co-Creation Project" with the aim of cultivating a culture and climate of idea generation, co-creation, and innovation, and becoming a company where employees can come up with and implement their own ideas for new businesses, new services, service improvements, and business improvements.
We have also opened the "J:COM Lounge," a space for employees to co-create and exchange ideas about the future of J:COM. More than 1,000 employees have taken the "Future Co-Creation Workshop," where they learn new approaches such as co-creation and design thinking.

Global startup collaboration

We have dispatched employees to Sumitomo Corporation's Global Corporate Venture Capital, which was established in Silicon Valley, USA in 1998. Through investment in start-up companies developing innovative technologies and business models in the media and ICT fields and by researching the latest trends, we will actively create new businesses that incorporate cutting-edge technology and innovation.

Product example: "J:COM Messhu Wi-Fi"

Introduced a Plume® Messhu Wi-Fi router that uses cutting-edge technology such as automatic optimization using the cloud and AI, and tri-band. Provides a high-speed and stable Wi-Fi environment at home.
(Started in 2019 as Japan's first monthly Messhu Wi-Fi service)

Furthermore, J:COM has developed its own cable modem equipped with the company's Wi-Fi technology, achieving a stable Wi-Fi environment with just one device. You can also create a Messhu Wi-Fi Messhu Wi-Fi Fi add-on pod.

Plume® Messhu Wi-Fi Router

Data Utilization

Data foundation for deeper understanding of customers

As a provider of services closely tied to everyday life, we use the television viewing data and service usage status of our customers, collected with their consent, to understand our customers' concerns and interests, and use this information to provide services that enrich their daily lives.

Mechanism of service improvement

DX Promotion System

In 2016, we established a specialized organization centered on data scientists to promote the sophistication of data utilization and analysis. In addition, by proactively collaborating with external partners who have advanced analytical techniques, we are working to improve our data utilization capabilities to solve the problems of our customers and society.

Mechanism of service improvement

Examples of initiatives

Further increasing the value of the services we provide

By utilizing and analyzing usage data from the services we provide, we aim to provide detailed support that is optimized for each customer and improve J:COM experience.
The TV service's program recommendations deliver different content for each touch point, including on the TV screen, in e-mail newsletters, and through apps, expanding the enjoyment for customers to discover programs that match their hobbies and tastes.

Data-driven TV advertising

In collaboration with multiple CS broadcasting stations, we provide J:COM PMP (Private Market Place), a TV advertising service that creates a network of advertising slots on high-quality specialized channels. By utilizing viewing data, we are able to efficiently deliver TV ads to advertisers' desired targets, and visualize impressions and complete views to realize data-driven TV ads.

Improving customer service quality at customer centers

We will use a speech recognition system to visualize and analyze the response of customer center operators who handle customer phone calls, improve talk scripts and improve response skills, and aim to smoothly resolve customer problems. I'm here.

J:COM Research Institute for Connecting to Tomorrow

The "J:COM Tomorrow's Connecting Laboratory" aims to contribute to the development of healthy and rich lifestyles and culture by investigating the possibility of further utilizing the useful knowledge accumulated within the company, and by investigating and studying the trends of policies and technologies related to information and communications, including broadcasting and communications, which are evolving globally. Research themes will not be limited to those selected within the laboratory or by each business division of J:COM, but will also be set jointly with external companies, organizations and individuals.

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