Solving global environmental problems is a common challenge for everyone on the planet. As a member of society, J:COM takes global issues seriously and seeks to solve them through its business activities. It also communicates its efforts to tackle environmental issues to society and calls for action, ensuring a prosperous earth for the future.
The Challenge of Realizing a Decarbonized Society
Toward the realization of a carbon-free society, we will promote energy conservation in our facilities and transmission lines, and aim to achieve carbon neutrality through our business activities by procuring and generating renewable energy.
Efficient use of Resources
In order to make effective use of the Earth's limited resources, we reuse and recycle the broadcasting and communication devices and packaging materials used by our customers, and we also reduce waste, thereby contributing to the realization of a recycling-oriented society.
Reducing the Burden on the Natural Environment
In addition to working to protect ecosystems through cleaning and beautifying land and sea in each region, as well as tree planting, we are also a member of the "SDG Media Compact" and are publicizing our sustainable efforts both inside and outside the company, raising awareness of the SDGs and encouraging people to participate in specific efforts.
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- Sustainability
- Contributing to the global environment