The newest just makes sense: J:COM

Health Management

J:COM's sustainability management policy is to create a corporate culture of mutual respect and a work environment where everyone can demonstrate their abilities in their own way, and to realize the well-being of employees and their families.
Based on the idea that the mental and physical health of employees and their families is important as they are the source of value creation, we promote initiatives to maintain and improve health and create a lively and comfortable work environment.

Health Management Declaration

In 2018, we established a "Health Management Declaration" with the aim of becoming a company where people can be healthy and active.

~Text of declaration~
J:COM's sustainability management policy is to create a corporate culture of mutual respect and a work environment where each person can demonstrate their abilities in their own way, and to realize the well-being of employees and their families, which is the source of value creation. I am raising it.

The health of each and every employee is an essential element in realizing our mission.

We hereby declare that we will contribute to the realization of a prosperous community and society by promoting "health promotion" in which the company, employees, and families are united and "creating a working environment" that is healthy and energetic both physically and mentally. increase.

Understanding and Countermeasures for Employee Health Issues

Health-related measures

Health-related measures

  • *1 A survey was conducted on employees who met the company criteria to confirm their medical examination status.
  • *2 Information as of September 26, 2024. Will be updated once actual figures are confirmed.
  • *3 Ideal weight is defined as 18.5 to 25 kg
  • *4 Ideal weight is calculated for people aged 40 and over.
  • *5 We want our employees to be able to continue working for a long time in good health,
    We place emphasis on work engagement and presenteeism, which comprehensively reflect both physical and mental health.
    Numerical target: improvement compared to the previous year, Survey method: Survey conducted in conjunction with stress check (responses: 11,632 people)
    The absenteeism and turnover rates were calculated based on 10,762 full-time employees.
  • *6 Work engagement is an original indicator created by the survey contractor based on items that are correlated with Utrecht Work Engagement.
  • *7 Presenteeism is measured using the Single-Item Presenteeism Question (SPQ, University of Tokyo single item version, FY2024 performance: 22.0%)

Health Management System

Under the supervision of the Corporate Division Executive Officer, we have formed a team within the Human Resources Division in charge of health management for the entire group, and are implementing various measures such as promoting employee health, improving health literacy, and dealing with mental health. In addition, we are working to create a system for a work environment that is easy to work in and allows employees to fully demonstrate their abilities in accordance with the health issues they face, and we are working with industrial physicians and other professionals and health insurance associations to maximize the effectiveness of this. We also discuss and share information with employee representatives about the status of overtime work, the occurrence of worker accidents, and the work environment, and are working to improve issues.
(FY2023 Occupational Accident Frequency Rate: 0%)

  • *Frequency rate: Number of fatalities and injuries due to industrial accidents per 1 million actual working hours

Promotion of Employee Health and Disease Prevention

We are implementing various measures in cooperation with industrial physicians and the health insurance association to improve the health of our employees and prevent diseases and aggravation.

  • Employment determination by industrial physician and implementation of follow-up measures
  • Specific health guidance and encouragement to visit medical institutions to prevent lifestyle-related diseases
  • Encouraging high-risk individuals to visit medical institutions
  • Subsidies for tumor marker tests and women's cancer screening
    (Tumor marker subsidy amount for FY2011: 544,000 yen [Head office only])
  • Implementation of mass influenza vaccination

Mental Health Measures

We provide a variety of support for the mental health of our employees by collaborating with external specialized organizations and utilizing systems.

  • Stress check/organizational analysis
  • EAP (Employee Assistance Program)
  • PFA (Psychological First Aid)
  • Visit counseling
  • Absence of work management system

Commitment to employee wellbeing

External Certification of Initiatives

We have been certified as a "2024 Health and Productivity Management Excellent Corporation" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Conference.
This marks the sixth consecutive year that J:COM Group has been certified since fiscal 2019. In order to realize a workplace environment where each employee can work energetically in a healthy state of mind and body, we will promote the maintenance and improvement of the health of our employees and their families through various measures.
Additionally, as a "childcare support company," we have been awarded Platinum Kurumin certification since March 2020 as an organization that has promoted the use of systems to support work-life balance and maintained a high level of initiatives.

Work-Life Balance Support

We are also focusing on establishing systems to support employees in juggling work with childcare, elderly care, illness or disabilities, and are working to create an environment that allows for diverse working styles and enables employees to fully utilize their abilities.

  • Work interval system of 11 hours in principle
  • Babysitter usage subsidy system
  • Training on work-life balance support

<FY2023 results>

  • Paid leave utilization rate: 85.0% (up 4.9 points from the previous year)
  • Average monthly overtime hours: 20.2 hours (down 2.2 hours from the previous year)
  • Rate of men taking parental leave: 63% (+5 points compared to the previous year)
  • Rate of women taking parental leave: 97% (+2 points compared to the previous year)

Improving Health Literacy and Promoting Health

We provide opportunities to learn about health in a fun way and places to put it into practice, supporting our employees' independent efforts to maintain their health.

  • Implementation of a no-smoking day once a month
  • Implementation of online smoking cessation program
    (You can receive free online medical treatment from a doctor without having to go directly to a medical institution.)
  • "Women's Health" training held (Participants: 338 people)
  • Trial introduction of a menstrual pain relief device (application rate 100%)
  • Opening of a health consultation room staffed by public health nurses
  • Holding a company-wide walking competition

Regarding the exercise habit ratio, we held a company-wide walking competition in fiscal year 2019, and the ratio has increased by 7.7 points compared to fiscal year 2018.
(Average number of steps in the 2011 Walking Competition: 8,675 steps/day) *1
(Average number of steps for people aged 20 and over: 6,278 steps/day) *2

  • *Collection period: 10/2-10/31
  • *2: From the 2019 National Health and Nutrition Survey
  • In a survey conducted after participating in the walking competition, 94% of participants answered that they would like to participate again next time.

These efforts have improved employees' awareness of efforts toward exercise and health, and the exercise habit scores compiled by our company have increased for both men and women since fiscal 2018.

Both the ratio of exercise habits and the ratio of people getting enough sleep have improved.

Various Systems Related to Employee Health

Based on our value of "valuing all people," we are working to create a comfortable working environment so that all employees can fully demonstrate their abilities.

  • GLTD insurance
  • Accumulated annual leave system
  • Short-time working hours
  • In-house health consultation desk staffed by medical and psychological experts

Employee Awards

Based on our corporate philosophy, we reward employees who have achieved outstanding performance, efforts, and actions over the past year, setting an example and praising each other, which further increases motivation.

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