The newest just makes sense: J:COM

Carbon neutral

In order to achieve a carbon-neutral society, J:COM has set a carbon neutral target of reducing CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2 of the J:COM Group) from its business activities to virtually zero by fiscal year 2030, and will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Reduction plan until fiscal 2030

In 2022, J:COM established the group goal of "achieving carbon neutrality in fiscal 2050." Since then, due to growing global environmental awareness and the prospect of significantly reducing the electricity consumption of our facilities, we have set a new group goal of "achieving carbon neutrality in fiscal 2030" in order to further accelerate our efforts to realize a decarbonized society, which we have identified as a materiality (important issue).

To achieve our goals, we will promote various initiatives focused on two pillars: "energy conservation" and "renewable energy."

Energy conservation initiatives

Promoting the conversion of transmission lines to FTTH

The CO2 emissions from the transmission lines that deliver broadcasting and communications services to customers account for approximately 50% of J:COM total emissions. We will upgrade our transmission lines from the conventional HFC *1 system to the highly energy-efficient FTTH *2 system to respond to increases in communication data volume and changes in the communications environment while also reducing energy consumption.

  • *1 HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coaxial): A transmission path consisting of optical fiber and coaxial cable.
  • *2 FTTH (Fiber To The Home): A transmission path made up of optical fiber.

Reducing headend power consumption

The "head end" is a facility that converts broadcast radio waves for cable television and sends them out over the transmission line, as well as sending and receiving communication signals for the Internet and other purposes. Head ends are facilities similar to data centers, and CO2 emissions from electricity use for air conditioning and other purposes account for approximately 30% of J:COM total emissions. Currently, we are working to improve the efficiency of the air conditioning used by these facilities, which are located in 96 locations nationwide, through AI control.
We are also considering installing solar panels on the rooftop of the facility, making effective use of the facility's space. Through these efforts, we aim to reduce head-end CO2 emissions by 20-30%.

J:COM MaaS Initiatives

As of 2020, we had 4,500 sales vehicles that visit customers' homes and other locations, but by switching to the ride-sharing service "J:COM MaaS," we have been able to halve this number and reduce CO2 emissions.
In the future, we aim to create new mobility services with the slogan "Freedom of movement for everyone, from child-rearing generations to seniors."

Renewable Energy Initiatives

Switching to renewable energy

We will continue to work on energy conservation to reduce power consumption in transmission lines, headends, and offices, and will switch to renewable energy (solar and wind power) to make up for any electricity that we are unable to reduce by fiscal 2030 *.

  • *Including non-fossil certificates and PPAs

Plan to switch our facilities to renewable energy
(Renewable energy ratio to our electricity consumption)

Regional energy circulation model

By having customers use renewable energy generated by solar panels at their homes and other facilities, and by creating a local energy circulation model in which surplus energy is utilized by our company's facilities, we aim to contribute to a decarbonized society while also achieving economical living *.

  • * A trial of solar power generation services (PPA) for customers' homes will begin in some areas from July 2024.

Energy circulation model image

Green menu (electricity service)

J:COM will be offering a Green Menu (electricity service) that uses 100% renewable energy *1 from April 2022. With the Green Menu, a four-person household can reduce their annual CO2 emissions to essentially zero, equivalent to approximately 2.5 tons.

Green menu provides 100% renewable electricity
  • *1 The Green Menu uses electricity from sources including thermal power, FIT electricity, and renewable energy sources, and by using non-fossil certificates designated as renewable energy, it achieves 100% renewable energy and zero CO2 emissions.
  • *2 In the Hokkaido area, J:COM itself provides Green Menu services as a retail electricity provider.

Visualization of environmental contributions

The amount of CO2 reduction that customers have contributed to in relation to their monthly and annual electricity usage (actual CO2 reduction) can be converted into the number of trees and easily checked on the MY J:COM app. This makes the energy saving effect of customers visible and promotes the reduction of electricity usage.

Received five stars in the Energy Conservation Communication Ranking System

J:COM Group companies received the highest rating of five stars in the 2023 retail electricity supplier category * in the Energy Conservation Communication Ranking System implemented by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy.
From fiscal 2024, we have transitioned from a retail electricity supplier to an agency, except in the Hokkaido area, but we continue to provide information and promote energy-saving initiatives.

  • *Evaluation of efforts as a retail electricity supplier in fiscal 2022
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