Creation and provision of anonymously processed information
About creation of anonymously processed information
Regarding the personal information of customers held by the Company, the Company will continuously create anonymously processed information after taking appropriate measures to prevent the identification of specific individuals and the restoration of personal information. .
Items of personal information included in anonymously processed information
- Information obtained regarding the J:COM HOME contract
Customer number, device ID (processed so that specific individuals cannot be identified)
Application date, contract start date, contract details
Provision of Anonymously Processed Information to Third Parties
Regarding the anonymously processed information created or held by the Company, we will continuously provide it to third parties after clearly indicating that the information is anonymously processed information.
Items included in anonymously processed information provided to third parties
- Items of personal information included in the above anonymously processed information
Delivery method
- We encrypt data files and provide them in a secure manner.
- Company site top
- Creation and provision of anonymously processed information